Kemopop! on the web: Critical Mass

As 1.8.0 was launched on, there was an issue with the web release. Namely, the resource file for the game got too big and refused to launch it.

After some hacking, I managed to circumvent this limitation. However, this is something that is definitely prone to break again in the future once more content is added, and this is something I don't particularly want to spend time maintaining.

I would have liked to keep the game playable on the web, but this is becoming more challenging as more content is added. 

I will try to find a better solution for these problems. However, it is becoming more and more likely that as development continues, the web version will transform into a definitive trial version, so I do not have to worry about this every time I run an update. I will try to hold off needing to do this as long as possible.

Thank you for understanding.

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It doesn't seem to load on Android still, but I'm able to load it on a computer.