

I'll be returning from America in a couple days. I will have a week at home before travelling again.

In that time, we plan to release another update:

  • The eighth campaign character should debut.
  • Chinese translation is a work-in-progress! This should be finished soon.
  • I would like to do an extra art pass on certain sprites.

There's a couple long-form projects I'm also looking at:

  • The standalone soundtrack still needs to be made. There'll be one final pass on the game audio so the music is all correctly levelled.
  • The credit sequence still needs to be made. I'll be ticking off pledges and responding to emails regarding supporter names as I add them to the internal list. I'm not sure when this will actually be finished, because I want to put some sort of effort into it.

So, update next week @w@ apologies for the lack of obvious progress in the interim.

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